Don't you just love a bargain? Now don't get me wrong -- I spend way more on new books, especially from authors I know and want to support. Just the other day I bought a Garfield comic book to add to my collection. That sucker cost nearly $15! So, whenever I get a chance, I check out the Salvation Army thrift store for children's books. They sell them for a DIME! I got a couple of other books for a quarter a piece. There are only 23 books pictured here. I found three Wiggles books that I already had, but just couldn't leave them. I'm sure one of my friends would love to have them.
I found some Magic School Bus books that my boys really enjoy. We also collect Little Golden Books and I found one of those on planets. Neil is really into Hello Readers and other early readers, so I got a bunch of those. He also loves cats, aliens, and books on Halloween. I found some of those for him. I found Nathan a book on Ripley's Believe It Or Not. He loves books like that. He couldn't put it down last night. I was working on a story and he kept running into my room to show me something new -- like a man who could put 25 quarters in his ear, or another man who could put his whole nose in his mouth. Judging by the two-headed cow on the cover, I can tell that book is right up his alley -- he lives for weird stuff like that.
As an author, I can't help but wonder how sad it would be to see my own book in a thrift store bin for a dime. However, that would mean that the book has been published, bought, read, and probably circulated around a bit. At least someone else could enjoy it. And if they really liked it, perhaps they would do a search to see what else I had. You just never know, but you always need to look for that silver lining when it comes to things like this. So anyway, looks like my boys will have plenty of reading to do this snowy Sunday afternoon! I hope you have a great day too!