Pictured above are two of my all-time favorite paintings. These are just photos of the paintings my in-laws have in their dining room. Between the light and my flash, they're not very good images. However, I've always loved them both. When I first started dating Rick in 1981, I was thrilled to see them hanging up in his house. I'm hoping my in-laws will let me have them someday, maybe if they ever decide to downsize. Perhaps that's just wishful thinking on my account, but I can hope.
If you go to The Huntington Library in San Marino, California, you'll find Pinkie and Blue Boy are hanging opposite from each other. That's just how my in-laws have them in their dining room. Many people think they were painted by the same artist, but they weren't. Pinkie was painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence and Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough. Not only were they painted by different artists, but they were done 25 years apart. The dress styles were over 150 years apart from each other. However, they're such a perfect match that the two paintings are so often paired together.
And ... what a perfect pair they are! I can't imagine Pinkie being alone without her beloved Blue Boy watching over her.