Donut Day is the first Friday in June. This holiday was established in 1938 by the Salvation Army. During WWI in 1917, Salvation Army workers went to France and set up a tent to make donuts for the soldiers. You can read all about it here, as well as get the original recipe they used. Though the Salvation Army doesn't take credit for inventing the donut, they're the ones that made it a popular item. Donuts are enjoyed all over the world!
I love donuts, but I don't eat them very often. My favorite as a child were the chocolate cake donuts, frosted with sprinkles. I also liked raspberry-filled jelly donuts. Nowadays, if I am to get a donut, it's usually a plain, glazed Krispy Kreme or some sort of maple bar. My absolute favorite is the KK creme-filled ones. Everyone in my family likes donuts except for Nicole -- she's never liked them. We have a standing joke in our family when we go on vacation in our travel trailer. We usually leave early in the morning, when suddenly Rick says, "Doooooonuts!" in the voice of Homer Simpson. Everyone is usually pretty quiet that early in the morning, so this always makes us laugh. And it's tradition to stop for donuts somewhere soon after.
Donuts have an interesting history. I know Wiki isn't always accurate, but there's a lot of information on donuts if you click here. There's a ton of information about donuts in other countries, which is kind of fun to read about. The bad news for me is that I don't have any donuts in the house and I'm not planning on going anywhere today. The good news is that we're camping this weekend up in Glacier and we'll be stopping at the store on our way out of town. Technically, Donut Day lasts 2 days, so tomorrow's still good! If you like donuts -- what is your favorite kind of donut?
On another note -- Rick & I want to thank each of you who responded to my posts about Nichelle leaving, both here and on my Facebook page. Your replies brought tears to our eyes many times. Nichelle got to read most of them before leaving. She finally touched down in Maui at 5:30pm last night. She's on HST (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time), which is 4 hours before us on MST (Mountain Standard Time), so it was 9:30pm for us when she landed. She got there safe & sound and was waiting to pick up her luggage. Thank you so much for your comments, thoughts and prayers. I will keep you updated on her adventures as I hear more. So anyway, what are you waiting for? Go get yourself a donut -- mmm!
TH considers himself a donut connoisseur. He loves them. Me, I've got to be in the mood to have one, and it can't be for breakfast or I'll feel like crap for the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteFave? Gotta be plain old glaze. :)
unfortunately I like donuts a little too much. sigh. I already had a jelly filled one for breakfast is that bad?
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your daughter is safely in Maui! I know how you must feel and I'm sending you a big hug.
I love donuts too but rarely ever eat them. I can't survive the calories. I've stayed good, even though they put up a drive thru Dunkin Donuts on the corner near my house.
ReplyDeleteBut. . . since it is donut day, maybe I should give in. Just for today. ;0)
YUM! I love them, but donuts are a rare splurge for us.
ReplyDeleteA donut and a cup of coffee, and I am jittery all day!
Love the donuts!! I like the chocolate frosted chocolate cake donuts.
ReplyDeleteHave fun this weekend Rena!!
Great minds DO think alike. Or great bellies...
ReplyDeleteMy mother, wonderful cook, decided to make donuts for us. But after doing the deep-fat-fry thing she said, "Never again."
ReplyDeleteI like a donut now and then, but I pass them by in the bakery section of the grocery store on a regular basis without a single urge to buy one.
And you'll never guess what the word verifaction was...flabi!
Thinking of Homer and your husband saying Mmmmm Donuts made me giggle!
ReplyDeleteOne of my all time favorite treats is a cake donut with sprinkles from my grocery store. We may have to have some for breakfast tomorrow!
Glad your daughter arrived safely!!
Donut Day!!! And this is why I love your blog. Wait a second....
ReplyDeleteVince - go out and buy donuts - RIGHT NOW! Ok, I am back. We also do the 'donut thing' on all vacations - we usually get Timbits now (which are the holes) in lots of flavours so the kids can choose. But for my I love the Sour Cream Glazed (sounds awful but totally yummy) Now I am hungry - Vince better hurry back with the donuts! :)
Donut Day, huh? What HAVEN'T they come up with for a day to celebrate?!? =D hee hee
ReplyDeleteHope you have a good weekend.
I'm a Kristy Kreme fanatic. And guess what!!!!! They have them here in Korea. It's the reason why we've stayed her for 8 years. Well, mostly.