Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our classroom ...

I'm happy to say I've finally got my classroom organized! Well, for the most part. I still have some binders to work on and some books from last year to sort through, but I pushed all that out the door so I could take some pictures. In order words, I'm cheating. I also still have some things to print up, but am waiting for Rick to get home with more ink cartridges. We were going to start school today, but I pushed it back for Wednesday. I had some last minute running around to do for Nicole and that was a priority because she needs things for school and work. However, we're all set to start bright and early tomorrow morning!


  1. Wow Rena you honestly need to give organizational lessons on making a house clean!@+

  2. WOW! You did a great job organizing and cleaning up! Go Rena! I love the sunlight coming in through the doors too! A great learning environment!

  3. Thanks, everyone. The bulletin boards are empty, but those will fill up with stuff pretty fast. One thing we've always done on our first day of school is self-portraits. Those are fun to see how the kids see themselves over the years.

    Kelly -- You mentioned the sunlight coming through the doors and that's a big deal for us in the winter. The boys & I will lie in front of the door and read on sunny days. It feels really nice when it's all snowy outside. We're like cats sitting in the sunbeams.

  4. OMG - you are the neatest, cleanest, coolest teacher I've ever seen. Way-to-Go Rena!!!

  5. That is one gorgeous schoolroom. I admire you so much for home schooling. Have a great term. With you as their teacher, I am sure the kids will.

  6. Looks great and a nice amount of space to work in.

  7. Looks great, Rena! Nicely organised and very spacious.


  8. It looks like a lovely place to enter and enjoy.
