Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pet Rocks

Does anyone remember Pet Rocks? They came out in 1975 and the fad really only lasted about 6 months. However, in that short time the creator, Gary Dahl became a millionaire. After listening to his co-workers complain about their animals, Gary decided to make the perfect pet using ordinary rocks. These pets never needed food, water, grooming, exercise, or pet care. He took action and surprisingly enough, he made money.

I never had a Pet Rock. I always wanted one, but my mom wouldn't dish out the $3.95 for a plain rock in a little cardboard box. What a mean mother. The originals aren't available anymore, but every now and then you can find them on eBay.

However, did you know Pet Rocks are still out there? In 2009, Martin Abrams bought the rights to Pet Rocks and began manufacturing them again. You can visit their website here. They're kind of cool looking, but with a little paint, most of us could make our own. I have to admit, the new ones are not as unique as the plain rocks Gary used from a building supply store for pennies each.


  1. I remember them. A step down from a chia pet. No water needed.

  2. We used to take a bunch of pebbles, glue them to a small 4" by 4" board, paint eyes on them and paint some musical notes on the board to create a
    "Rock Band" and we didn't stop there, we also painted a number of larger bolder type rocks in our yard, as ladybugs, turtles and more. I'll bet you have done that too! Thanks for the memory of this one!

  3. I had one as a child!
    But I can't remember if I bought one or made my own. Most likely made my own!

  4. I had pet rocks, but I never bothered to buy them. I just used the ones I found outside. It's more fun that way anyway. Good for the imagination. :0)

  5. I remember PAINTING rocks and gluing google eyes to them--but no way would anyone have BOUGHT me one!

  6. I remember these and I still can't believe people actually bought them! The packaging is kind of clever, though.

  7. I know I had a few, but I think we made them. I can't imagine my mom BUYING a rock!

  8. I totally remember pet rocks. That guy was a genius!

    How come I can't an idea like that?!
