Can't live with them -- can't live without them!
Oh man, isn't that the truth? We have so many computers in this house that I've lost count. I still haven't gotten used to our main one downstairs, so I don't use it much. My laptop is ancient and locks up, so I switched to Rick's laptop. It was working great. Then recently, it began having problems with the letter "o". If I typed anything with an "e" in it, it was followed by an "o". We figured the o-key was stuck, so Rick took it apart and cleaned it. It continued to do it and then it would just type "ooooooo" nonstop all on its own. It was like it was possessed. I was getting around the problem by attaching a separate keyboard, but then it started up again. As it is now, we're expecting a new keyboard to come today and hopefully it will fix the problem. If so, Rick gets his laptop back because I'm using a new one right now. Yeah, yeah, I know -- spoiled brat I am. Happy Anniversary to me ...
How much do you rely on your computer? Isn't that a scary thought when you think about it? We use them for our bills, banking, photographs, music, shopping, keeping up with friends, reading the news, emails, etc. That doesn't include my writing, which not only includes the actual manuscripts, but the cover letters, queries, address labels, replies from editors, etc. It's unbelievable how much we rely on computers. It's almost like we can't live without them. And, when we want to see something online, we want to see it NOW, regardless if it has to travel all the way across the world. My MIL has a computer, but she's scared to use it. She hears one weird story and thinks all computers are evil. I guess she figures gremlins will come in through her PC and steal her identity and max out her credit cards. She tried to get into computers, but didn't understand them. I used to think she was silly, but sometimes I think she's smarter than the rest of us. Yesterday I had 2 laptops running at the same time and both were having major issues. The frustration was so much that I wanted to toss them both through the window.
Then of course, there's the buying of a new computer, which is enough to send anyone to the nuthouse. You can't buy a new system and have things "the way they used to be" either. The operating systems change too fast and favorite programs no longer are supported. I do a lot of desktop publishing work and used Adobe PageMaker for years. When our main PC died, we had to upgrade from XP to Vista. Well, my version of PageMaker was so old that it can't be added to the new computer. We got In-Design, which is the new version of PageMaker and it's on the main computer. It's more complicated and I haven't had time to learn it. All my work I've been doing on the old laptops using my old PageMaker program. Getting a new computer might sound cool, but now I can't use PageMaker at all. The good thing is that it will force me to learn In-Design. The bad thing is that I will have to make time for it. Not only that, but learning new programs is frustrating, especially if you can use the old versions with your eyes closed. I don't do change very well with some things. I think back and remember the days of typing on a typewriter. The biggest worry was getting the keys stuck or figuring out how to replace the ribbon. It was a thrill to go from that to my word processor where I could actually edit and save things. Now of course, everything is computerized and life is a lot more complicated ...
Or there is me that basically uses my computer for fun! There is the WMB, your blog and Facebook not to mention lots of games!
ReplyDeleteOne of these days I will grow up but for now, I only use my computer for fun!
Tracy, I do the same thing other than just a few things for my business. Rena, wow a new laptop, that's awesome! Good luck learning all the new stuff. Before long, you'll wonder what you ever saw in the old program. lol
What they expect from kids in school now doesn't help - all these elaborate reports and Powerpoint presentations...we're about at the point where we each need our own computer. We all fight for time on my laptop; it drives me crazy!
ReplyDeleteYikes Adrienne -- I can't even imagine what it's like for kids in school these days. There has to be a lot of pressure. I've heard stories about parents doing up their kid's reports and such on the computer. How does an "average" kid compete with that?
ReplyDeleteI don't really play games on mine, but everyone else does. I use mine for school constantly, for the schedule and to get information and add to our curriculum. God help me if I have to actually pick up one of our outdated encyclopedias to look something up!
We have 3 computers and 2 laptops for a 4 person household. My husband runs a recording studio on his. My son is in college, and much of his homework is online. My daughter is in 5th grade and understands more about computers than I could ever hope to know - and I consider myself fairly technologically savvy. I mostly use mine for writing, online research, school work, paying bills, and blogging. I'm not much of a tv watcher, but I will watch a movie on my computer once in a while. Most of my free time is spent at my computer. What would we do without them?
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I'd do without a computer now that's I've had one for so long...I wonder if I'd go back to a typewriter?
ReplyDeleteI can't live without mine! Every chance I get I'm on the computer...even my cell phone has internet...and I'm checking emails all the time! I'm addicted I tell you! Addicted! grin...
ReplyDeleteMy laptop is about 6 years old and I just know it will give out at the wrong time...anytime is the wrong time...grin...
I am way too attached to my computer. I'm sure it's a dysfunction of some sort. The times I've had to go w/o my comp was way not easy. Since I"m a stay at home mom and my duties include a bunch of mind numbing cleaning duties and screaming/fighting kids, I NEED my comp as a way to reconnect w/ the adult world. It's my link to sanity.
ReplyDeleteI bought a laptop so that I wouldn't have to wait for my son to get off the main computer when the muse struck. But somehow, every time the muse strikes I find my husband on my laptop!
ReplyDeleteI love holiday time, when my laptop is useless to everyone else because they can't get the internet on it.
If you have any questions re: Indesign. Feel free to hit me up!
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