I just made the mistake of looking at the calendar. WHOA -- big mistake. What the heck happened to March? It can't be half over already! Didn't it just start? Wasn't it just February? Weren't we just reading about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln? I feel like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland -- I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!
I'm behind on everything. I have school yearbooks to finish. I have another yearbook I haven't even printed because once I start, it's going to cost a bundle in ink cartridges. I have photographs to organize. I've got craft supplies to find a place for. I have so many books to read that the stack literally falls over when I add a new one to the pile. I have a middle grade novel that needs to be revised more and submitted. And then there is the never-ending chores of the laundry, dishes, and everything else.
My biggest gripe is that I have 58 more days until our trip to Disneyworld. I really wanted to be at my goal weight by then. I have about 22 more pounds to go, which means if I'm going to reach my goal, I have to lose 11 this month and 11 next month. It's March 16th! So basically, here I am, freaking out. I don't know if I can do it. I'm at an okay weight now and even if I don't lose another pound, I'd be happy staying where I am. However, I really want to reach my goal weight. I really, really, really do.
In light of what's going on in Japan, all this is really petty. It just isn't that big of a deal. I mean, these things do matter to me because I think they're important. But compared to what those people are dealing with, this is nothing. I need to keep that in perspective. In the meantime, I'll keep looking for my magic wand. It has to be around here somewhere ...
Yep, for me it's a wake-up call to not complain about ANYthing and to be ever so very thankful for what I have.
ReplyDeleteTry not to stress out over those lbs you want to lose. Celebrate what you have lost!
OMG, mid march? I am still wondering what happened to January and February!
ReplyDeleteI am with you! The days are flying by!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck getting your things done and you have done so well with your weight loss! That is such determination and strong will!
Days, nights fly by - well, we have to say goodbye to yesterdays. Yay, the people of Japan are facing sad days. Timely to remind ourselves to be thankful.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding! Where DOES time go? It certainly isn't on my side!
ReplyDeleteYes to everything in the first paragraph! It was just CHRISTMAS, never mind February. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with staying thankful. It's something I really make a goal every day. I've been so blessed that any other attitude would be obscene and ridiculous.
As it warms up and you get more active outside, I bet you'll shed pounds like anyone's business! How exciting to plan that trip!
ReplyDeleteOh good! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one wondering why time seems to be zipping by ...
ReplyDeleteTime flies and then it goes faster