Monday, December 29, 2008


This gives whole new meaning to the songs, "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and "Frosty the Snowman". G.I. Joe was so excited to build a snowman that he forgot to put pants on. But of course, I can't help but think of the song "Snow Hey Oh" by the famous band, the Red Hot Chilly Peckers --

The more I see, the less I know,
The more I like to let it go -- hey oh, whoa ...
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow.

Oh wait, that's the Red Hot Chili Peppers -- or something like that. G.I. Joe still had a frosty good time building his snowman. We have about 2 feet of snow and Rick and the boys had a pretty good snowball fight yesterday. It got pretty brutal at times. Even the little one wasn't spared ...

But not to worry, Nathan got him back good ...

And finally, if you're just dying to know what special holiday today is, click here for my other blog over on my Multiply site.


  1. Oh No Poor Joe! Fun pictures, looks like they had a great time playing in the snow. Is it still snowing?


  2. Wow Rena,you can keep all that snow in Montana!We had almost 50 degree temps on Christmas,which is not normal.Poor Neil looks like he got what we used to call a "snowjob!" And LOL at G.I. Joe.He needs to dress better for the weather.:)

  3. Joe's gonna have some awfully painful snowbite.

    You weren't kidding when you said the boys weren't spared. There's snow in his mouth! lol


  4. That looked like so much fun!

  5. Too cute! I actually got outside today with the kids and built a fort! We were planning for a snowman but the snow was too hard so I used a trusty hockey stick (which all Canadians are required to have - by law I think!) lol And the stick cut out pretty good blocks so the fort is looking cool! Now every bone in my body is sore and I am thinking about going to bed... at 8:06 pm!
    Ah winter!

  6. Hey, Oh...Put your pants on Joe!
    Looks like lots of fun in the snow! Ours melted!

  7. We have those tubes for water - never thought about using them for snow. Hey...snow is just slightly frozen water, right?...

    I'm obviously not very creative.

  8. Red Hot Chilly Peckers! Too funny! Love those military types who endure under Xtreme conditions.

  9. That's the kind of exposure to snow I like - by photos.

    What fun.


  10. Rena - glad your boys are enjoying the snow! We had a green Christmas here... but hope to get snow before winter is over!

  11. GI Joe Montana man LOL they breed 'em tough in the mountains

    Happy new Year!
