Sunday, March 14, 2010

National Potato Chip Day!

I'm late blogging today. I like to do my blog early in the morning as I enjoy my first cup of coffee. However, today I got out of bed and went downstairs to exercise first thing. Yes, I know, I'll visit my doctor soon and make sure I'm not coming down with something! ;) Anyway, today is National Potato Chip Day, in case you didn't know. If not, now you do -- woot, woot!

I don't eat potato chips that much. I like weird flavors like dill pickle or jalapeno and no one else likes those much, which is probably why I don't eat them too often. I'm more of a tortilla chip person anyway. I love Doritos Habanero chips. But if I had to eat regular potato chips, I'd probably pick Lays Barbecue flavored chips. So, what's your favorite potato chip?

Don't forget about my Lemur Troops & Critter Groups Book Giveaway. I'm going to pick a winner tomorrow morning, so there's still time to enter if you haven't done so. I have three ways to enter -- posting about my book on your blog, leaving a review for either Lemur Troops or A New Job for Dilly on Amazon, or letting me know what you favorite animal is of the ones featured in the book. Click here for a list of the animals featured in the book. A big thank you to everyone who has entered so far. There's still time to enter if you like. OH! Check out this post for an absolutely ADORABLE little fan of Dilly's! Thank you so much again, Michelle & Darcy!


  1. YAYYYY National potato chip day?? I hope that counts in the Middle East too - I am in for a FABULOUS day!!

  2. I love potato chips. I don't buy them because I could easily eat a whole big bag in one sitting!

  3. I love chips and french onion dip. My favorite flavors are probably sour cream and onion or barbecue Lays!
    Darn, I missed a perfectly good excuse to pig out on chips yesterday! :)

  4. Aw, why don't we have worthwhile National days like that in Australia? :(

  5. I actually have my copy of Lemur Troops & Critter Groups on my desk! The book is so much fun and our little ones are going to love it. The grandlings are coming this weekend to enjoy the books and toys.

    As for Potato Chips! I am so glad you posted this. I have every intention of celebrating! The best potato chips I EVER ATE were the ones in Maui, Hawaii.
    They are sooooo delicious. I even ordered a case of them delivered to our office when I worked in a travel agency. You can order them online. They are good because they are thick, kettle fried and above all, because they come from a little piece of paradise.

  6. I like pretzels better and don't eat chips much, but I'll go for a few onion and garlic ones.

  7. A holiday for potato chips? And I didn't eat a single one? *sigh* I'll try to make up for it today :)

  8. Rena, I'm sending Critter to Montana! Check out my blog post today.

  9. That would have to be Kettle Chips Sea Salt & Vinegar. Perfect and so good! Lays' Salt & Vinegar chips are either too salty or too vinegar-y.

    Sun Chips Sour Cream & Onion is really good, as well.

