Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sunny one day ...

Snow the next! This is what my road looked like this morning. Very pretty. It's still snowing, but parts of the road are an absolute mess. My Jeep, which has both 4-wheel drive and studded tires, was sliding all over the place just a few minutes ago. The main roads are all clear, but I guess no one has been up to plow our road yet. It's a mess in some spots.

We've had such a mild winter this year, unlike last year where we had to scrape snow off our roof because there was so much. This year has been really mellow though. Sunday was beautiful and we spent some time sitting on the deck enjoying the sunshine. It was still on the chilly side, but it was still nice. I even had flip-flops on, whereas it's back to snow boots today. Yesterday I saw the first chipmunk emerge from his den. He was running all over the yard, collecting seeds and such. I don't know if he came out of hibernation because the weather had been so warm, or if he knew more snow was on the way and now was his chance to collect some food. I'm not sure if he's back in his den or what, but the squirrels aren't too happy with the snow covering their seeds.

I had to go to my OB/GYN today and then over to the surgery center for a pre-op visit. I've been poked, prodded, monitored, and asked to undress more times than I care to think about. I'm having surgery next Wednesday, so I had to get all the details done for that today. It's nothing major, just female crud, but I still have to go under general anesthesia and such. Not something I'm really looking forward to. So, I'm all messed up with my schedule, so I guess I better try and see if I can get the boys caught up.

Don't forget about my book giveaway in the post below and thanks to those who have entered already. Please tell your friends as well.


  1. Very pretty picture Rena. It's like 75here today and we have been basking in the sunlight. My prayers are with you as you go into surgery.

  2. I LOVE snow on trees. Best wishes on your surgery.

  3. Wow,beautiful picture! We have had a very early spring here in Maine,I've never seen such a short winter. No complaints here. Thoughts and prayers for you next week.


  4. Oh Rena, I will keep you in mind for the surgery..It may not be major, but going in to the hospital is not fun..

    Beautiful picture.

  5. Good luck with your surgery. Be back asap:)

  6. Looks gorgeous! Good luck with the surgery.

  7. Good luck with your surgery. Pretty pic!

  8. What a lovely shot of snow. Isn't spring something--it just teases you all season.
    Good luck with your surgery.

  9. Hey, that's what my yard looked like this morning. Are you in CA? Maybe it was the same storm. Now the sun melted it all...but it was fun waking up to it!

  10. Pretty Picture!


  11. Awesome picture!

    Sorry to hear about the surgery though I had to laugh about the poked, prodded and monitored line. It reminds me of when I was in the hospital after giving birth to Ryan. I was trying to breast feed and having trouble (no milk) I think I had more people look at and touch my breasts in a 2 hour period then in my whole life up to that point. At one time I told my hubby to call in the guy in the hall changing light bulbs because I was sure he was the only person on the whole floor who hadn't felt me up! Looking back, I am glad Vince didn't call the guy in! lol
