Friday, April 20, 2012

Cool Beans!

Neil and I decided to check out the Salvation Army after school today. Neil loves that place and can spend just as much time there as I can. In other words, a lot of time! Nathan likes it also, but Rick hates it. I think we were in there two hours today just looking around at all the junk.

I found this great hardcover book called Time For a Rhyme. It was written by Ellen Wilkie and illustrated by Sharon Kane. It was published in 1966 by Rand McNally & Company. I love these old books, and considering they cost anywhere from a dime to a quarter, it's really hard to pass them up. 

Neil found another hardcover book from 1971 called Christina Katerina & The Box. It looked pretty interesting, so we got that one as well. I just looked it up on Amazon and the hardcover is running from $18.97 to $34.95. For a quarter, I think we got a bargain. I never know what I will find there.

Other cool finds for Neil was a book on golfing techniques. It's an adult book, but he and Nathan are really into golf right now, so maybe they'll learn something from it. Neil also found a kid's book called Picture This, Fun Photography and Crafts. He loves taking pictures and this book has lots of cool ideas. We also found a picture book on pirates and the 5th grade health book we needed for school next year. Pretty cool, if you ask me.

I also found a pair of Old Navy cargo pants for two bucks -- can't beat that. They're a size smaller than what I've been wearing, so that's even better. They're a little loose around the waist, which is weird because I don't think I've lost any more weight. Neil also found some little Star Wars figurines he and Nathan collect, along with a vest for GI Joe. Even GI Joe got something.

And finally, I'm all into red plaid right now. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you might remember how I've complained about in the past because my mom used to make me wear red plaid a lot when I was little. I always hated it and felt like such a dork. However, I guess you're never too old to change your mind about such silly things.

Red plaid is cool, or maybe even a little, red hot. I'll let you figure out why.


  1. I love thrift stores! I used to collect costumes, so Goodwill was a great place to frequent. You just never know what you're going to find. It IS like a treasure hunt :)

    Likin' the plaid ;)

  2. Ooooo, you look good in red, Rena!

  3. Beth -- I love them too and am always finding bizarre/cool things. :)

    Bish -- Thank you! :)

  4. Once again you score at the thrift store!
