Sunday, January 20, 2013

Holidays, sinuses, and cookies.

I decided to give the boys the day off tomorrow for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Rick is off on federal holidays, so I figured it would be a good day to just relax at home. I do need to work on the school schedule and finish up some laundry. I'm also trying real hard to get back on track with my exercise program. I slacked off most of last week because I felt horrible. I think I have a sinus infection, but I'm not sure. My face is killing me and I don't have anything to take.

Maybe I'll bake some more oatmeal cookies tomorrow like the ones pictured here. These had mini chocolate chips in them, so they went pretty quickly. Neil is so picky, but these are one cookie he will eat. If getting him to eat some oatmeal is through a cookie — so be it! I'm thinking I'll make a batch with mini chocolate chips again for him, and then another batch with Craisins for Rick. I normally put raisins in them, but Rick thought the Craisins would be good, so I'm going to try that. I hope you have a great holiday, if you have the day off.


  1. MLK- can't believe everyone has this day off now. lol And hey - I'll take a batch of those oatmeal chocolate chip! Nummy! :)

  2. Those look good! Leave the raisins out of mine please.

  3. Those cookies look great! Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Hope you enjoy the cookies! I prefer cookies without reasons, but I don't usually turn down any cookie!
