Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cheese Bites

I apologize for another food post. I know I just posted one yesterday, but wanted to put this one up, mostly for my own reference. The other day I saw this on Facebook, but I don't recall who posted it. I only took a photo of the actual recipe, so to whoever put it up — thank you. I decided to give these a try today because they sounded so easy.

All you do is cut up some cheese sticks into bite-size pieces. Then dip them in milk and roll in bread crumbs. I used Italian bread crumbs. Bake for 8-10 minutes at 425 degrees. I only baked these for 8 minutes because I wasn't sure if they'd turn out. I think next time I'll try 10 minutes to see if they brown more. I tried one bite and gave the rest to Nathan. They seemed to be a hit. Super easy to make, which is always a plus in my book.


  1. Those look like a good snack food for my kids. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Nathan woofed them down, so he'll probably ask for more.

  2. Easy and yummy! We are cheesaholics so will definitely try this! THanks!

    1. Same here -- we almost always have at least 4-5 different kinds of cheese in our fridge.

  3. That does sound good . . . and easy! Cheese ranks high on the food-chain in our household.

    1. Easy is always good! Plus, these are baked, unlike the fried ones you get in restaurants. I would hope that's healthier. :)
