Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

Awhile back, Brenda nominated me with the Kreativ Blogger Award over on her blog, Hazel's Crock Pot Kitchen. I've been so busy with my book coming out and the blog tour that I'm just getting to this now. As with everything, there are some rules ...

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. List 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ bloggers.
6. Post links to those bloggers.
7. Leave a comment for each one to let them know they're nominated.

I've done similar posts in the past, listing 7 things people might not know about me. This one is supposed to be 7 interesting things. I'm pretty boring, to be honest, but I'll give it a try ...

1. I don't listen to the radio because commercials drive me nuts.
2. I got caught shoplifting once, but it was a friend who stole something.
3. I can't put eye drops in my eyes, no matter how hard I try.
4. I would rather camp in an RV than stay in a fancy hotel.
5. I was in a minor car accident once and got whiplash.
6. I am fascinated with eschatology, the study of end times.
7. I have a very small brain aneurysm.

I would like to nominate the following 7 blogs --

And finally, thanks to Brenda for the nomination. Check out her blog for lots of yummy crock-pot recipes. People used to call me the Crock-Pot Queen, but they obviously never met Brenda. This woman has 7 crock-pots and is not afraid to use them at the same time. So, just for Brenda, I leave you with this very old (and very dorky) picture from the 1970s ...


  1. Hey Rena!

    I'm the very same way about the radio. I don't listen to it because I can't stand the talk. Just play the stinkin' music already!! lol

    And my dad was the same way about eyedrops. I thought I'd laugh myself silly helping my mom get eyedrops in his eyes when he had pink eye. He'd kick his legs and freak out. It was hilarious...big man over six feet tall and he couldn't take eyedrops. :)

  2. lol - love the picture Rena! Wow- is that a crockpot? You have loved those forever! lol

  3. You deserve it. You're not just a creative blogger - you're a creative person :)

  4. Congrats! Wow, Nicole looks exactly like you!!

    Darren is the same with eyedrops!


  5. Thank you, Rena, for nominating Birding on wheels.

  6. Congrats, Rena. You deserve it so much! =)

  7. Thank you for nominating me. That's so funny!

    I love the picture of that crockpot. Is that the kind that you cannot remove from the element so cleaning is a big headache? Remember those?

    You were a cute kid, Rena!

  8. Thank you for nominating me. That's so funny!

    I love the picture of that crockpot. Is that the kind that you cannot remove from the element so cleaning is a big headache? Remember those?

    You were a cute kid, Rena!

  9. Seven crock pots?! Wow! I barely even use the one I have!

    Cute pic :)

  10. I never thought of you as an old crock before Rena. But that's one cool old photo. I can just imagine the person taking the photo thinking " Rena might need this image for her blog in a few years time " - goodness - hasn't technology moved so much since then. But crockpots are still crockpots. :-)

  11. Thanks Rena!

    LOVE the crock pot picture! Too cute! :)

  12. Still have not had time to post about this, but at least I finally have a blog roll going with a link to you! this has been a great motivator!

