Friday, December 4, 2009

MIL of excess ...

Ugh -- can you believe this picture? This is what I found when I opened a package from my MIL yesterday. I've come to the conclusion that she's one of two things. One, she's evil, or two, she has a heart of gold. I think it's a little of both, to be honest. She found out this summer that I liked Big Cherry candy bars and couldn't find them in Montana. So, now she goes out of her way to find them for me. She doesn't just buy one or two, but a whole case! She does the same for Rick with Red Vines. He also made the mistake once of bringing up rice candy that his dad used to bring him home from Japan when he was in the Navy. Because of that one comment, she sends boxes to him all the time. And yes, that is 2 boxes of See's Candies in that bunch.

I suppose I shouldn't complain. She really goes out of her way to send us stuff. It's just funny because yesterday I decided to eat really well and cut back. Then the UPS man came and blew that all to hell. Big Cherry bars are evil. I can't have them in the house and not be thinking about them. It's like they haunt me. It's not over until they're gone. And sadly, no one likes them but me. So yeah, I have 24 of them to eat -- just shoot me now.

The good news is that she also enclosed a bunch of craft projects in the same box. My MIL is a teacher, but isn't working right now. Apparently, she had a bunch of Christmas crafts left over from school, so she sent them to us. Ironically, I was looking through my craft books yesterday trying to decide what to do next week. Then this box came -- problem solved! Most of these are snowmen, so we'll be having a Snowman Week for school. They look like Oriental Trading type crafts, so they should be pretty easy for the boys to put together. I thought it was funny how I went from searching my books for craft ideas, which sometimes takes me hours, to having a bunch of projects, complete with everything we need. Talk about good timing.

Anyway, I need to get busy with school stuff, which means I'll have to walk by Candyland again until I can put everything someplace. Those Big Cherry bars cannot stay out in the open like this. Things will get ugly! If you don't hear from me soon, that's because I've eaten them all and blown myself up ...


  1. LOL! Oh, I'm sorry I'm laughing but I understand your mixed emotions with this in the holiday I-don't-want-to-get-fatter-than-Santa-this-Christmas mantra. Ah well...she's trying to show her love!

    Eat one candy per day. Check off that box and then do an extra exercise to compensate.

    Merry Christmas

  2. my MIL is the same way...sometimes I think she has the house bugged...every time I say I'm going to eat healthy, she sends home some chocolate cake, or some other snack...grin...

    Happy Holidays!

  3. Too funny Rena! I could almost hear cheeks getting round and rosy as I was reading.

  4. What a sweet woman, you're lucky.

    You are SO funny Rena!


  5. Wow! I want a MIL like yours! Mine only brings me worry and heartache. lol Seriously though, that is an awesome care package. (I have never even heard of Big Cherry Candy bars but they sound very decadent!) Enjoy.
