Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blast from the past ...

Does anyone remember Fabian? Most people probably don't know who he is. He was a pop idol in the late 1950s. Judging from the picture above, it's not hard to see why he became famous with young girls so quickly. He was way before my time, but I do have some of his music. I love music from the 1950s. It's been said he was discovered while crying on his front porch after his father had been taken to the hospital. Someone noticed how handsome he was and stopped to see if he wanted to be a singer. Since his family was struggling and needed money, Fabian ran with the opportunity. He quickly became a teenage heartthrob and had success with songs like "Turn Me Loose", "Hound Dog Man" and "Tiger". I have all those and they're fun songs. It has been said that his musical career ended when they found out his records had been altered to make his voice sound better. He went into film soon after, and I believe he's still active in movie-making today. You can visit his official site here. I'm not positive, but I think he still tours too.

"Turn Me Loose" is on my 1950s playlist and last night I looked to see if I could find a video clip of the song. Watching the kids clapping in the audience is hilarious, especially when you see how robot-like they are. Almost all of them are chewing gum too. But what's kind of cool is seeing Fabian himself, especially when you remember he was only 16 years old at the time and tossed into the business simply because he was cute. That would be hard for anyone to live up to. The video clip is really fun to watch and check out Dick Clark! It's definitely a blast from the past ...


  1. Just looking at the picture I thought 'Ah Fabian!" Can you tell I grew up listening to my parents records - their 45's and 78's? lol

    I was born in 1970 but you wouldn't know it from the music that I love the best! Thanks for sharing the clip - I just loved it!

  2. In the first picture, he reminds me a little of Moon Doggie (James Darren, from the movie Giget. Must be because it looks like he's on the beach. That's weird, but it's what I thought when I saw the picture.

    He just looks like Fabian in the video. :)

    Cute slide show in your last post!

  3. I had heard of Fabian, but had never heard his songs before this. The audience does look very well behaved...I love the fashion from the 50's!

  4. It's the same with me Kelly. Rena, doesn't he sound a little like a certain Cockroach be both know and love? LOL Thanks for the video.


  5. Funny clip! They must've handed out the chewing gum at the door.

  6. Fabian and Annette Funicello...the beach movies...I love the music and movies of the 50's...

  7. Similar to Elvis in looks - that's my thought.

  8. Oh I forgot all about Fabian! How could I forget him?

  9. I guess I must be the only one old enough to actually have heard of Fabian at the time he was so famous! Hee hee! All those coats and ties and dresses! And I'll be every girl there was wearing stockings. I think, at least I seem to recall, that for a time Fabian lived/had a house and/or regularly spent vacations in the Virgin Islands. He was a cutie.

  10. Bish -- That's cool how he spent time in the Virgin Islands. I can't remember when you said you lived there. Was it around the same time? Yeah, he was a cutie. I love that black & white pic of him. In fact, one year I made silly Valentines for everyone in my family using that picture in some way. I can be quite the pain around here if I want -- ;)

  11. I remember him, but I was a LITTLE girl then and pretty sheltered.:)
