Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lost and Running

I wanted to share one of my favorite songs of present. Powderfinger is a band from Australia and they're one of my top favorites. I've been listening to their newest CD almost non-stop in my car for about a year. It might be because my kids moved my CD case to the back and I can't reach it. Or it could be that I just can't get enough of this song. "Lost and Running" is my favorite on this CD. It's funny because I don't like watching the video as much as I like listening to the song. Either I'm getting old in that respect, or I've just heard the song so many times before I saw the video. Regardless, it's a great song and I wanted to share it. They have some really cool music and most is available in the USA now. Check them out if you like!

On another note, we went shopping today and barely made it home. As we were driving up our road, the tires on our van started spinning. We weren't going anywhere and when Rick had to stop, the van started sliding backwards down the hill. A car was coming up behind us too, so it was pretty freaky for awhile. We have a big diesel van and it usually does good on our road with the studded tires we put on in winter. This one spot was just too icy, so we had to stop and get the chains on. Those were giving Rick a hard time and it took us awhile just to get home. Once the chains were on, the van did okay. We're expecting snow tonight, so I hope they add gravel to the road if they come by to plow in the morning. They're usually pretty good about that, but this one section was solid ice. I couldn't even walk across the road because it was too slippery. I was walking in the snowbank, holding onto the roof of the van, hoping it wouldn't take off down the hill. We finally made it home -- whew!


  1. Wow, I can't believe you're getting more snow. Ice is so scary, I'm glad you got home all in one piece.


  2. Thanks Nance. Fortunately, we've had several days of it being in the high 30s. That's really helped thin out what was on our roof. We had close to 3 feet of snow up there and Rick couldn't reach most of the areas with the snow cutter. I still see a lot of businesses shoveling and scraping ice off their roofs. Weather Channel is saying 30% chance tonight, so it probably won't be much, if anything. I just hope they come dump some gravel on the road. Even our friend with a Hummer was sliding a bit trying to get up.

  3. Wow, scary ice trip. We love Lost and Running, my 3 yo loves to sing the chorus over and over... and over..!!!

  4. So glad you made it home okay.

    Weird video clip - I don't get the burning bed - maybe I'm a little slow...

  5. LOL Kim -- I don't get most of it. That's what I mean. I don't watch music videos ever anymore. It was weird to see this one, since I've been listening to this CD for over a year now. I guess I've just formed my own "image" of it in my head, so yeah, the video is a bit odd to me too. :)

  6. So glad you made it home last night. Have fun with all that snow. It's so cold and windy here. But no snow. Just brown, brown, brown.

  7. I agree Rene about music videos, few of them make any sense. But I do kind of like the song.

    As for all that snow and ice...oh brrrrr and be careful!

  8. Great song Rena - thanks for sharing!

    Glad to hear you all were alright - gotta love winter!

  9. Thanks for your replies. I'm glad some of you liked the song. It's one of my favorites by them, but honestly, I love all their music.

    Ironically, I learned about Powderfinger through the kid's group The Wiggles. Murray, the red Wiggle, likes this band and mentioned them. That's how I learned about them myself. Over just a few years, they've become one of my all time favorite bands.

  10. Great song! Thanks for sharing...

    I'm glad you and your family got home okay...we haven't had any snow around here yet this year, but everyone keeps saying it will be a bad year for it because we haven't had a real good snow in years...

  11. I like this song, Rena. Last time you mentioned them, I checked out their website, and it's pretty cool, too!
