Tuesday, January 6, 2009

La Femme Nikita

Did any of you watch this TV show on the USA Network? It ran from 1997-2001. I rarely watch TV, but I was really into this when it aired. It was one of those shows I couldn't miss. La Femme Nikita was a spy drama, very similar to Alias or 24. Unlike those shows, Nikita had a smaller budget. What they couldn't do in expensive action scenes, they made up with drama, good acting and complex characters. Peta Wilson and Roy Dupuis were incredible together, as were all the other characters. The episodes either left you in suspense or sent chills down your spine. Not many shows do that for me. I was really into this one. About a year ago I bought season 1 on DVD. Just the other day I ordered season 2. I'm going to start watching them in order soon. It's one of those shows you almost have to watch in order or you'll get totally confused. Click here to read a pretty good summary on what the show was about. If you go to You Tube, you'll find lots of clips from the show. There were 5 seasons and I was really sad when it came to an end. Did anyone else watch? I hear it has a cult-like following.

On another note, a few days ago I received the payment check for the craft project I submitted to Highlights for Children magazine. It's pretty cool to get paid for doing something fun. I also started working on part of my NaNoWriMo project last night. If you remember, I wrote about my cat. Part of the project included a fictional version of his story as a picture book. I finished that last night. After not writing since November, it felt good to work on something new. Today I'm mailing out several photographs for a contest in a local magazine. That will be Photojojo's Photo Resolution #6. I'm also mailing out a recipe for the same magazine and hope they publish it as well. Lots of fun stuff -- but for now, I must get ready for school.


  1. I haven't watched that show. I do like when TV series come out on DVD, so you can watch them start to finish. Good luck with your photo contest!
    I'm excited because Nip/Tuck starts again tonight!

  2. Congrats on the Highlights sale. You've got a lot of projects going on!

    I love the bird pic in the last post, too.

  3. No, I did not watch that show.
    Good luck with your new projects!

  4. Congratulations on the payment for your payment for your craft. I wish I had half your energy for getting things done.


  5. I never did watch that show. Sounds interesting though.

    Yay!!!! for your Highlights $$$ How fun is that!? :0)

    Good luck w/ your NaNo project and have fun!

  6. how fun - being paid for doing what you like to do. Craft ideas are right up your alley it seems, as well as the photographing side job. Keep up the good job - E :)

  7. I never watched Nikita... wasn't it Canadian though? Congrats on the craft sale! Do something fun with your earnings.

  8. Tracy -- Yes, it's a Canadian show. I don't know about the rest of the actors, but I know Roy Dupuis is Canadian. I saw a recent pic of him and he's just as good looking now as he was back then. Not that he's the reason I watched the show -- ;) ;)

  9. The original French movie was really great but I never caught the show. However the American version of the movie was pretty darn bad.

    Awesome about getting paid by Highlights. I just love Highlights!

  10. I never saw it but remember liking the name.

    Congrats on the check!!!

    The only show I've been watching "lately" is TrueBlood, which is on hiatus right now but I'm plowing through the books like crazy. I've read five of them. :)

  11. The movie is great! (The original one, not the remake with Brigid Fonda). And I think there was another show based on the concept.

  12. Thanks for all your replies. You know, I've never seen the original movie, and I totally forgot about the Brigid Fonda remake. I might have to watch it sometime.

    I should be getting my season 2 DVD set anyday now. I am looking forward to watching them in order.

  13. I loved that show...I didn't miss it and hated to see it go off the air...

    USA had another show that I watched every week...and that was Silk Stalkings...I was addicted to both shows...

    Congrats on your craft in Highlights...
