Sunday, February 28, 2010
Have an idea? Forget it!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Got Lemurs?

- Lemurs are native to the islands of Madagascar and Comoros
- Their name comes from the Latin word ghost
- There are 5 families of lemurs and over 30 species
- An extinct lemur weighed as much as 400 pounds
- On average, lemurs weigh from an ounce to 15 pounds
- Lemurs are arboreal, meaning they live in trees
- Only the ring-tailed lemur spends more time on the ground
- Most lemurs are diurnal, awake in day and asleep at night
- Lemurs have nails, not claws, as well as opposable thumbs
- Females are dominant and one usually leads the group
- Lemurs eat fruit, leaves, edible plants, and insects
- Unlike monkeys, lemurs cannot hang from their tails
- Lemurs have a good sense of smell and vision
- Lemurs do not make good pets -- they spray to mark territory
- Most lemurs are on the endangered or threatened list
So, there you have it. Probably way more than you ever wanted to know about lemurs. However, if you want to see some super cute ones, check out my book because Nikki has done such an incredible job drawing them!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy 101 Award

- Coffee first thing in the morning
- Kittens
- Having all my music at my fingertips (aka iPod)
- Long, spur-of-the-moment road trips
- Seeing bears in the wild
- Spending the day on a secluded beach at the lake
- Huckleberry taffy
- Watching the snow fall
- Playing Elvis slots in Vegas (winning = more happy)
- Classic movies, including cheesy ones with singing & dancing
The blogger I'm nominating is -- Susan Casamento. Her blog, The Question of the Day is always a fun one to visit because it features just what it says, which is a new question of the day. I always look forward to seeing what questions she comes up with. In addition, she's a fellow Californian, so she keeps me up to date on what's happening there. Check her blog out!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Six Lies & One Truth

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sing! Play! Create!

Monday, February 22, 2010
Creative Writer Blogger Award

- I broke my arm falling off a balance beam.
- I was born two months premature.
- I fell out of a car when I was six.
- I rode in an elevator with Elvis Presley.
- I got my driver's license when I was 23.
- I have met all of the members of The Who.
- I put ketchup on my scrambled eggs.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
GNP today ...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Love Your Pet Day

Friday, February 19, 2010
I'm so dizzy ...

And since I don't have anything better to blog about today, I just thought I would whine about being dizzy. Not sure if I should try some other meds, or just keep going with this and see if it goes away on by itself. However, I'm reminded of a song by Tommy Roe called Dizzy. I have this song on my iPod, but I don't think I've ever watched a video. Check this one out. If those balloons don't make you dizzy, nothing will. It's not the best sound quality, but you get the general idea anyway ...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Critters of the Sea

Octopuses have 3 hearts. They're also highly intelligent and can distinguish shapes and patterns. They don't live very long, averaging 6 months to 5 years. The males die a few months after mating and the females die after their eggs are hatched.
The average seahorse has 100-200 babies, but some larger ones can have up to 1500. Less than 5 out of every 1000 survive to become adults. And as most know, the males carry their young in their pouch, not the females.
Both male and female walruses have tusks and they can be over 3 feet long. Besides, their tusks, they have few other teeth. Walruses have no external ears and the whiskers on their face is called vibrissae. They have 400-700 vibrissae that can reach up to 12 inches in length. Walruses only have 2 predators -- the orca and polar bear.
Sea otters are able to live their entire lives without ever leaving the water. They have the most dense fur of any animal. There are nearly a million strands of hair for every square inch on their body. They are also one of the few mammals to use tools, such as rocks, to open shellfish.
A few other interesting ones -- Electric eels are not true eels, but fish. King crabs are not true crabs. A clam has no head or eyes, but has a heart, kidneys, and a mouth. Jellyfish and starfish don't have brains. I guess that's why they made Patrick so dumb on SpongeBob.
Anyway, some of these things were pretty interesting, so I thought I'd share. You might have heard them all before. At least the first draft of my book is done, so that's one good thing. Now maybe I can get the first book published and this could follow it. I can hope anyway!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Never enough time ...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The nose knows!

I took this picture years ago in Grand Teton National Park. If you ever want to see moose, Teton is the park to visit. They're all over the place. This picture cracks me up because it really shows how long their noses are. Moose are the funniest looking creatures. We've seen moose at our house, but not too often. Here are some fun facts about moose ...
Moose is both singular and plural.
Moose are herbivores and eat over 9,000 calories a day.
Males lose their antlers to conserve energy in the winter.
Antlers take 3-5 months to develop fully.
Males can weigh up to 1600 pounds.
Moose are the second largest animal in America.
They can run up to 35 mph.
Males are called bulls and females are cows.
Enemies include bears, wolves, and man.
The flap under their chin is called a dewlap or bell.
Grand Teton always reminds me of moose because that's where we see them most often. When I think of the word moose, I also think of Moosehead, my favorite beer from Canada. However, I always think of Bullwinkle when I think about moose too. I used to watch Rocky & Bullwinkle all the time ...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Elvis has left Bigfork ...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The End

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010
Crazy hair ...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Happy Birthday, Neil!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Got shoes?

Monday, February 8, 2010
On this day in history ...

- Mary, the Queen of Scots, was executed in 1587.
- Richard Johnson became the first Vice President in 1837.
- The Boy Scouts of America began in 1910.
- The Stars and Stripes was first published in 1918.
- Lana Turner was born in 1921.
- Nevada was the first state to use the gas chamber in 1924.
- James Dean was born in 1931.
- Composer John Williams was born in 1932.
- Elizabeth II became Queen in 1952.
- Rena Jones was born in 1965.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Happy Birthday, Laura!

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Puppy Bowl VI

Friday, February 5, 2010
Sweet Mother of Abraham!

- Nancy's maiden name was Hanks.
- As a child, her mother took her on the famous Wilderness Road.
- Nancy was skilled in needlework and sewing.
- She had 3 children -- Sarah, Abraham, and Thomas.
- Nancy died of "milk sickness" in 1818.
- Nancy was only 34 when she died, Abraham was 9.
- Abraham helped carve the pegs for his mother's coffin.
- No authentic photos of Nancy Lincoln are known to exist.
- Tom Hanks is a distant relative of Nancy Lincoln.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pinkie Bird!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Children's Auth/Ill Week

- Visit an independent bookstore, if you have one. They often feature more local artists than the larger booksellers.
- See if you can discover a new author or illustrator this week.
- Have your child write a letter to one of their favorite authors or illustrators. Most have contact info on their websites.
- Let your child pick one of their favorite books and after they've read it (or you've read it to them) have them draw their own picture. It can be something that happened in the book or they can even continue the story with their own ideas.
- Visit a local bookstore or library during storytime, or when a featured author or illustrator is sharing their book.
- If you have room, set up a little library in your house for your kids. Include good lighting and a comfortable chair. You'll be surprised how kids will sit down and read if they have a specific place.
- Do a craft to go along with your child's favorite book. Many can be found online if you search the book title with the words "craft projects" or "activities". My book, A New Job for Dilly features craft pages on my website.
- And finally, read as a family. Even older children who can read will still enjoy having a story read to them. Turn off the TV for awhile and enjoy a book together as a family.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Boris Karloff

- His real name was William Henry Pratt.
- His grandmother was related to family of the royal Siam court, which was the basis of the musical The King & I.
- Boris was bow-legged, had a lisp, and stuttered as a young boy.
- He was very generous to children's charities.
- Boris dressed as Santa every Christmas to give gifts to disabled kids.
- He played Captain Hook in the theatrical play Peter Pan.
- Boris has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
- He won a Grammy for his spoken words in The Grinch.
- Boris married 6 times and had only one daughter.
- He died from pneumonia and was cremated in England.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy G.I. Joe Day!