Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pipecleaner Dilly!

The other day Neil was looking through our collection of craft books and came across these cute little mice made from pipecleaners. We immediately thought they could be rats just as well, so we made a couple. Neil made a red one and I made Dilly. It's a really simple craft project. It only requires 4 pipecleaners, 2 google eyes, and a dab of glue. Pipecleaner Dilly is sitting next to his twin brother, Dilly Fingerpuppet in our classroom. They are both sitting right in front of his book, of course.

I made some changes on my website for the activities that go with A New Job for Dilly. If you go to my site and click on links, you'll find there are now 2 links for Dilly. One features activities your kids can do, such as write the alphabet, color Dilly, answer questions, learn about jobs, etc. The second PDF is for Dilly's Crafts. I hope your kids have fun with those and check back from time to time because I could add more to both. The links are ...

I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series -- A New Friend for Dilly. Like the first one, this will be illustrated by Lisa Oakman and published by 4RV Publishing. In this story, Dilly searches from A to Z to find the perfect friend. Also, thanks to everyone who has ordered my other book -- Lemur Troops & Critter Groups. Nikki Shoemaker and I are going to do a blog tour soon, so if anyone would like to participate in that, please let me know. Anyway, I'm off to work on another story idea. Funny how these ideas hit me in the middle of the night. Have a great Saturday!


  1. How adorable!

    Now I have to tell you - I told Ryan about Dilly's new book and how it is called 'A New Friend for Dilly." He reminded me that the very first time we read our Dilly book, he said "Dilly needs a friend." So now he is taking ALL the credit for your new Dilly book. lol

  2. I LOVE your activity and craft pages. I with Sophia, I so wish I could get copies of your books into the hands of lots of kids.

  3. Oh my goodness! Too cute! You need to make a whole book with this or put these in the back of your books.
