Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wooo wooo!

I was listening to my iPod before bed last night. I have over 9000 songs on that silly thing and it's a pretty eclectic collection. I rarely put it on shuffle because one minute I can be falling asleep to Mozart followed by, "Hi! We're The Wiggles!" blasting in my ears. One thing I love are soundtracks, especially animated film soundtracks. I just added Tim Burton's "9" and "Coraline" to my collection. Another one that I listen to all the time is the soundtrack to "Corpse Bride". That one is really cool.

I have a lot of showtunes on my iPod too -- from motion pictures to sitcoms to cartoons. Nichelle was a baby when Ducktales came out, so we didn't watch it when it first aired from 1987-1990. We caught it in syndication later on. However, it has to have one of the BEST cartoon theme songs ever written! It's such a catchy song and you can't help from tapping your toes or singing, "Wooo wooo!" when you hear it. Check it out for yourself ...

And don't forget to VOTE!


  1. Cool! The lead singer sounds so familiar, kind of like George Michael.

  2. I've been looking to see who did the Ducktales theme song, Bish. All it says is "various artists" on the CD I have. It was written by Mark Mueller, who has worked with some pretty famous people. He also wrote the themesong to Chip & Dales Rescue Rangers, which is another catchy song. Not sure if he sang it, or just wrote it ...

  3. I remember when that was on TV. I always thought it looked a little creepy. ;)

  4. Oh, I used to love that show! I can't believe how many lyrics I remembered. I'll probably be bopping my head the rest of the night to that song.

  5. 9000 songs! Wow. I seriously can't even imagine. Here I am thinking how high tech I am when I put my 10 disc cd player on shuffle! lol
